Ex-Headteacher’s Art on Show at the Hub

George Simpson is a name local residents may recognise, but not necessarily in relation to art but more so for his former career as headteacher of Camelsdale Primary School between 1976 - 1982.

Since his retirement in 2004, George has been gaining a following as an accomplished artist bringing his colourful abstract style to gallery walls in Farnham, Chichester, London and now the Hub! A chance meeting with ex-pupil and Hub volunteer, Ramy Salameh, led to George exhibiting here:

“George is a much-admired artist now, buy similarly was a much admired Headteacher and I was so impressed by the quality of his work, I was eager to bring it to the walls of the Fernhurst Hub and I am delighted he agreed’

And from George himself -

“Thank you, …. I must say that the whole experience was an absolute pleasure for me; the help and support I received, the friendliness of everyone involved with the Hub and the chocolate cake. I hope you’re satisfied with the return. I am!”


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